101 Things in 1001 Days. Here's how it works: You list 101 things that you want to accomplish in 1001 days (about 2.75 years). They can be little things you've been putting off or major lifestyle changes. For extra motivation and accountability, I've decided to post a blog with my list and the progress I'm making. It only took me three hours to come up with 101 things, but now that I have, I'm feeling inspired. Wish me luck!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Puppy Update!
We think we may have found ourselves a new puppy. We have working with RAP for a few weeks now, running to Delaware and now PA to meet potential puppies. On Sunday, Tim, Josie and I headed up to Philly to check out Roscoe. Roscoe is a 6 month old, 55lb, Border Collie mix who just loved Josie. They played for a good 45 minutes, before we just had to seperate them to give them both a break. We ended up having a great time and really loved him that we are proceeding with the next step in the process. On Tuesday, Katie a volunteer with RAP will be coming out to do a home visit. We should know within a few days if and when Roscoe will be coming home.
Another one complete!
It's official I have gone 9 days without coffee. Okay, I did slip this morning and grabbed Starbucks before heading to work. But I had to be here at the butt crack of dawn, so I needed a little bit of jolt. Then again, I think I may have to cut coffee again for the next 2 weeks. I going to keep trying increase each week by another few weeks, until I cut it all together. I will update everyone with my progress.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Coffee, dogs and windows oh my!
So where should I start! I like to update everyone of my progress to my blog. As for coffee today is day four with no coffee intake. I posted a comment on the Baltimore message board about giving up coffee and I got some great advice from the ladies. First off I am going try and work out every morning, then drink a cold glass of water and eat breakfast and hopefully that would help me my urges for Coffee. For those cold mornings I have substitute my coffee for hot chocolate.
Last Sunday Tim, Josie and I took a trip to Wilmington, DE to check out Sawyer (see previous post for link!). We arrived in Wilmington around 2p.m. and we were able to meet Sawyer for the first time. He was really on the small size. Maybe 30 lbs. Josie is almost 70lbs so it was kind of hilarious watching them play. Sawyer could walk underneath Josie. For the first 30 minutes Josie just smelled her way through the house. I believe about 20 minutes before we decided to leave Josie finally woke up and meet Sawyer. Sawyer and Josie started playing and growling and my heart sank. I knew right there, that Sawyer would not be good match for our family. For one he is small. We wanted a dog that is equal size of Josie give or take some lbs. Plus I felt that the growling was a major problem. Josie doesn't growl, she is the biggest lover we know. So our search continues. We are going to still try and work with this rescue.
As for Friday, December 7Th our front trim on the window will finally be repaired. It's only been about a year and half that we have known about this problem. It's only been about 3 weeks since I contracted a few contractors. And finally I got a reasonable quote. Work should start on the 7Th, unless we get a blizzard in Maryland. Hopefully I will be on my way to checking a few things off my list!
Last Sunday Tim, Josie and I took a trip to Wilmington, DE to check out Sawyer (see previous post for link!). We arrived in Wilmington around 2p.m. and we were able to meet Sawyer for the first time. He was really on the small size. Maybe 30 lbs. Josie is almost 70lbs so it was kind of hilarious watching them play. Sawyer could walk underneath Josie. For the first 30 minutes Josie just smelled her way through the house. I believe about 20 minutes before we decided to leave Josie finally woke up and meet Sawyer. Sawyer and Josie started playing and growling and my heart sank. I knew right there, that Sawyer would not be good match for our family. For one he is small. We wanted a dog that is equal size of Josie give or take some lbs. Plus I felt that the growling was a major problem. Josie doesn't growl, she is the biggest lover we know. So our search continues. We are going to still try and work with this rescue.
As for Friday, December 7Th our front trim on the window will finally be repaired. It's only been about a year and half that we have known about this problem. It's only been about 3 weeks since I contracted a few contractors. And finally I got a reasonable quote. Work should start on the 7Th, unless we get a blizzard in Maryland. Hopefully I will be on my way to checking a few things off my list!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Coffee and dogs!

COFFEE is an evil evil word! I've been fighting my urges for over 5 years now. I can't exactly tell you when I feel in love with it, but I can tell you that as a child, I hated the smell and taste of instant coffee. Maybe that's the key word here, INSTANT! I hate that stuff! I hate the taste. So bitter. While I was growing up my grandparents drank instant decaf coffee every morning. I never once wanted a sip of their coffee, nor could I stomach being around people who smelled of coffee breath, but now something has changed. I like to pinpoint my addiction to a certain friendship. It all began about 5 or so years ago. I just meet this awesome friend, we will call her Jen! Jen would invite me to Starbucks and bam I became addicted! Yup, instantly addicted to all that sugar and coffee. Well Jen and I don't participate in our weekly visit to Starbucks, but I still have horrible urges for coffee at least twice a week. I swear they have put something in it. I tell my darling husband that there is crack in their coffee. He doesn't believe me! BUT if you ever had Starbucks, you will see and taste the differences between instant, plain, decaf. I would never recommend going to starbucks for a decaf, plain latte. What's the point? Spending $2.00 on a plain coffee when you can buy a can of instant in the local grocery store for $2.00 that will last weeks if you allow it. So I been trying to kick the habit. I swear to myself that this will be the week. I won't go to Starbucks, I am going to cut back, but every week, I find myself at Starbucks ordered my usually, Grande White Mocha! UGH! I wish there was a support group for STARBUCKS USERS! Does anyone have any idea how I can break the habit?? My mid section would thank you! My husband would probably thank you even more. Umm $4.26 each week for a months adds up. It's sad! I am thinking if I could give up Starbucks for a month that I may be able to kick the habit altogether, or at least only purchase it once a month. I could seriously save a lot.
On another note Tim and I in the process of adopting another dog. Sammi are current foster pup is leaving on Sunday. Yes, his parents are coming home from the War. Although I don't they are going to recognize him. He is very fluffy, not so white anymore (Although I swear I been giving him baths everytime we come home from the dog park!). His attitude has changed as well. He is move vocal on walks, he will park at passing dogs. YUP, I think he learned it all from Josie. They are definately rubbing off on each other. Just the other day, I came home from work, Tim already home, dogs out of the kitchen. I found two dogs, racing around the living room. Yes, 10lb Sammi was weaving in and out of Josie's legs. So freaking hillarious! I am serious we never taught him how to do that. He also does this paw thing, same thing that Josie does. Or how about Josie and Sammi fighting for my attention. I am not even awake most mornings. Tim leaves for work at 530 a.m. I am still peacefully sleeping and dogs are fighting for my attention or I should say body warmth. When I do finally get up I find every morning that I have two dogs snuggled up in bed with me. It's quite adorable if you ask me. I love have snuggling dogs near me!
So back to the story at hand. We are in the process of adopting a six month old Lab/beagle mix. Sawyer is his name, and he looks a lot like Josie. Please see Picture of Josie above. Now see link to Sawyer. Please disregard incorrect information. Sawyer has been living with his foster Mom, Lisa for 2 months. He is six months old and neutered. Which is great! So we are hoping that in the next few weeks we will able to go and visit him. I hope that the dogs get along great! I will update you on adoption process.
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