Yesterday, Annabelle turned 6 months old. Tim and I can't believe how much she has changed from that little baby we brought home just six months ago. Tomorrow she has her six month appointment with the doctors. She will be getting her last
synasis shot too. I've been very thankful for six shots that she's received to protect her from RSV. I'm also happy that she made it through the flu season with only one cold. Two weeks ago she came down with the sniffles and cough, was just plain miserable for days. Although I didn't mind cuddling with her, but we lost a lot of sleep. We knew something was wrong, when she was waking every 2-3 hours, wanting to eat. But she kicked the cold with lots of cuddling with her favorite person, Daddy.
Check out some of Annabelle's milestones so far:
-Sleeping through the night since she was 3.5 months old.
-Rolls from back to belly
-Rolls belly to back (new accomplishment)
-Smiles and laughs
-Talking non-stop
-puts her hands in her mouth
-puts toys in her mouth
-drops and throws toys
-Eats rice cereal
-Love sweet potatoes
-Love applesauce
-unsure on green beans
-unsure on squash
-Like carrots
-Likes snap peas
-Like Bananas
Still to try:
-any so much more.