Surprise surprise your pregnant again. Tim and I were pretty shocked to learn that we were expecting a second time. Not that we weren't trying, just that we wanted to wait a few more weeks to start really trying. We heard baby #2 heartbeat for the first time on September 21st. What a wonderful sound to hear. I'm currently 16 weeks pregnant and feeling pretty good. This pregnancy is much different then the last. I've had morning sickness starting at 5 weeks, although no throwing up, just lots of gagging. We saw the doctor again at 14 weeks, and heard a strong and healthy heartbeat of 149 bpm. This time around my new doctor is being proactive with my care. She's suggested that I received 17p shots for my preterm labor. If you remember back in 2009, the day I was admitted to the hospital, I was put on magnesium sulfate to help lower my blood pressure. I also received one of two steroid shots to mature Annabelle's lungs. Over night my water broke unexpectedly and I started contracting. My doctor is hoping this time around with the help of the 17p shots that this prevent me from going into PTL. Starting at 16 weeks I will receive weekly shots until 36 weeks. I joked with Tim on Tuesday night, one shot down and 19 more to go. Some of the side effects are itchiness and welts around inject site. My nurse Val (love her already) insured me that she would be gentle and she was. I got the shot in my hip, instead of my butt (thank you Val). I never felt the serum go, another positive for Val. So far I haven't had any issues with itchiness or welts, but we are just starting. Next Tuesday, I get my second shot, on the left side and I'm hoping for the same outcome as the first shot.
Our next OB appointment is November 21, and I'll be 18 weeks along. We are hoping to get the referral to have the anatomy scan at this appointment. Stay tuned for results (hoping that baby cooperates during the ultrasound.
101 Things in 1001 Days. Here's how it works: You list 101 things that you want to accomplish in 1001 days (about 2.75 years). They can be little things you've been putting off or major lifestyle changes. For extra motivation and accountability, I've decided to post a blog with my list and the progress I'm making. It only took me three hours to come up with 101 things, but now that I have, I'm feeling inspired. Wish me luck!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
An update

Last weekend Tim and I celebrated five years of marriage. We decided to celebrate by staying in a Bed and Breakfast in Kennett Square, PA. This B&B is near Longwood Gardens and about an hour from our house. On Saturday we decided to do the "sip and stay gateway". We toured 4 of the 6 wineries on the tour. Our card does not expire, so we might go back for a day trip in the near future. We relaxed both days, GPSing it to the wineries, and checking out several of the local restaurants in the area.
On Friday, we ventured over to Kennett Square Inn for dinner. Tim got the Chesapeake Steak and I got the surf and turf. My steak was wonderful, but my lobster was over cooked. We got chocolate creme burlee for dessert and that got an A plus in my book, but I would give the overall dinner a C. After dinner we pretty much collapsed and went to bed early.
The next day we got up early, can't help that Annabelle wakes us normally up at 5:00 a.m. on the weekends. We had breakfast downstairs at 8:15. The first morning Gilji fixed us mushroom omelet w/fresh fruit and bacon. Yum. After breakfast we headed out to check out the local PA wineries. We returned late that afternoon, took a 20 minute power nap and then headed to Blue Moon Pub in Ken

Sunday morning came and we greeted with the most amazing cinnamon french toast thanks to our wonderful host Gilja. We left Kennett Square and headed home. Were we processed to clean out the entire house. I left around 3 p.m. to pick up Annabelle and the dogs. Both Tim and I enjoyed our weekend away, but we really missed our little girl.
Check out some of the most recently professional pictures we had taken by our friend Charlene. If your every in need of a local photographer, please email me. I'll pass Charlene contact information along.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
What's Miss Annabelle doing now??
I've neglected my blog for far to long. We've been busy since Christmas, we also have a growing toddler on our hands. Since Christmas, Annabelle has learned to walk, she is also talking too. Her vocabulary has exploded in the last three months. She use to say about 5 to 10 words, now she talks all the time. Tim and I decided to make a list of all the words that she now says. I'm sure we are leaving a few off. I also like to point out a few months ago I bought some flash cards from Barnes and Noble with a gift card that we received at Christmas. These flash cards have helped out amazingly. I've tried to google them, but I'm not having much luck. I'll just describe them to you all. They are the touch and feel, first words, transportation and color cards. Onward to the list:
Mommy: (I'm so happy to announce that finally will say this word on command)
Roscoe: but it's more like "scoe"
car & truck: are her favorites when we are outside
apple: her first word other then daddy
sweater: although it's more like weter
hot dog
dog: which see says doggie
Lily but it sounds ily
Okay I'm drawing a blank for more. I know there is more. I think everyone has to be a wallflower at my house and you will see. You might even be shocked at how she is. Usually in public it's the quiet, shy Annabelle, but at home, it's a whole other story. Which I'm sure is the case for many children.
Mommy: (I'm so happy to announce that finally will say this word on command)
Roscoe: but it's more like "scoe"
car & truck: are her favorites when we are outside
apple: her first word other then daddy
sweater: although it's more like weter
hot dog
dog: which see says doggie
Lily but it sounds ily
Okay I'm drawing a blank for more. I know there is more. I think everyone has to be a wallflower at my house and you will see. You might even be shocked at how she is. Usually in public it's the quiet, shy Annabelle, but at home, it's a whole other story. Which I'm sure is the case for many children.
Monday, January 17, 2011
It's been a long time...
It's been a long time since I've posted. We are already in 2011 and we are having lots of fun. Annabelle is growing like a weed. She just had her 15 month appointment on Friday. And she is up to 22lbs and 31 inches long. She has come a long ways from 4lbs 18.5 inches long. She is mobile now too. She has been walking for about a month now, and some days I look at her and think WOW! You'll be a teenager before I know it. Lets see her vocabulary has exploded too. Here's a list of what she is saying:
Linda (although I haven't heard her say this!)
Doctor is really impressed with her and wants her to say 1-2 new words a month. Now if we could just get through this winter and onward to spring we all would be doing wonderful. Annabelle is in the thick of flu season. She's been sick a few times, but nothing crazy, thank goodness. Mommy and Daddy are both sick now, so we hope to fight off this cold ASAP!
We are looking forward to several Birthday Parties this upcoming weekend, seeing some old friends home from Germany and and a few play dates too. Visit us soon. Hopefully I'll add some more pictures to the blog.
Linda (although I haven't heard her say this!)
Doctor is really impressed with her and wants her to say 1-2 new words a month. Now if we could just get through this winter and onward to spring we all would be doing wonderful. Annabelle is in the thick of flu season. She's been sick a few times, but nothing crazy, thank goodness. Mommy and Daddy are both sick now, so we hope to fight off this cold ASAP!
We are looking forward to several Birthday Parties this upcoming weekend, seeing some old friends home from Germany and and a few play dates too. Visit us soon. Hopefully I'll add some more pictures to the blog.
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