I've neglected my blog for far to long. We've been busy since Christmas, we also have a growing toddler on our hands. Since Christmas, Annabelle has learned to walk, she is also talking too. Her vocabulary has exploded in the last three months. She use to say about 5 to 10 words, now she talks all the time. Tim and I decided to make a list of all the words that she now says. I'm sure we are leaving a few off. I also like to point out a few months ago I bought some flash cards from Barnes and Noble with a gift card that we received at Christmas. These flash cards have helped out amazingly. I've tried to google them, but I'm not having much luck. I'll just describe them to you all. They are the touch and feel, first words, transportation and color cards. Onward to the list:
Mommy: (I'm so happy to announce that finally will say this word on command)
Roscoe: but it's more like "scoe"
car & truck: are her favorites when we are outside
apple: her first word other then daddy
sweater: although it's more like weter
hot dog
dog: which see says doggie
Lily but it sounds ily
Okay I'm drawing a blank for more. I know there is more. I think everyone has to be a wallflower at my house and you will see. You might even be shocked at how she is. Usually in public it's the quiet, shy Annabelle, but at home, it's a whole other story. Which I'm sure is the case for many children.