Friday, June 18, 2010

Lots going on...

We've been busy this month. Annabelle and I went to the Baltimore Zoo last Friday. We spent the day with Rachel and Treith and lots of animals. Although most of the time Annabelle just sleep or ate, but she still had fun. We got a few pictures as well. Last Sunday Annabelle tried out her new pool and hopefully this weekend she will be trying it out again. Tomorrow we are heading down to Baltimore the National Aquarium to send a few hours with Nana, Grandpa and Katelyn. On Sunday we will be celebrating Tim's first Father's day.

Last night we finally purchased new shades for the living and kitchen and nice valance. Although I've told Tim that I would like to replace the kitchen counter tops, flooring and cabinets. A girl can dream right??

Here are a few pictures of Annabelle enjoying her summer.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Annabelle's Photoshoot

For several months I've been debating if I wanted to get Annabelle's pictures professional done. We had plans to have newborn pictures taken of her, but Miss Annabelle had other plans in mind, when she arrived 7 weeks early. So we decided not to have a professional come to our house and just have the Hospital take her pictures a few days before she was going to be released from the NICU. I'm so amazed at how much my precious sweet girl has changed from the tiny preemie to a happy sitting 7 month old. My friend Charlene came to our house a few weeks ago and to take photo's not just of Annabelle, but of Ashlynn too. Ashlynn and Annabelle have been friends before they were even born. Michelle (Ashlynn's mommy) and I have been friends for several years and I was just overjoyed when they announced they were expecting a few months after Tim and I.

Here's the link to Annabelle and Ashlynn's photos.

If anyone is looking for a photographer in the Maryland area, please contact me, I'll be happy to pass Charlene's information along.