This past weekend Tim and I along with 21 other people traveled up to Ohiopyle, PA for a three day weekend trip to Tall Oaks Campgr0und and to go white water rafting. Tim and I left Linda's house on Friday at 2:50 p.m. and thought "yeah we should arrive around 6 or so!". Well that wasnt the case. Everyone and their mother was on the roads on Friday night. It took us about 4 and half hours to get up to PA, when it should of only taken us 3 and half hours. So you can say we arrived very tired, and agrue with the way the traffic. We had about 30 minutes of light before we would be setting up in the dark. Friday night, I wasn't feeling so well, so we made dinner and kind of just sat around. Saturday we enjoyed most of the day, by eating, sleeping and drinking. There was a beer pong and poker for all.
Sunday morning arrived and everyone was either tired and cold from the nights air. We hurried along, got into our bathing suits and headed for the white water site. We found out later, that Jessica are leader and planner had lied to everyone and told us we had to be at the WWR place at 10, when in reality it was 1030. We arrived at 10:10. So we had twenty minutes to kill. Everyone was really excited about the whole trip. We finally were assigned a raft and were shoed into them by the White Water Adventure staff. We learned how to do a forward paddle and backwards paddle. Our trip began when our leader and tour guide Chris joined our raft. He showed us where to sit with Jon and Jason the biggest headed toward the front. Holly and Beata in the middle and Tim and I are in the back. We carried our raft and paddles to the water edge where we would launch into the water. Yup, that meant walking out in the cold water and hoping in raft. Chris showed us how he wanted us to work together and we did just that. We spend about 5 hours on the water. We had awesome time with a few victims taking a plunge into the water. Tim and I have decided that it would be awesome to do it again, but not at a catogory 5 but at a 3.
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