Monday, September 29, 2008

I made a few changes...

I decided to change the look of my blog again. I have a feeling that not that many people are actually reading my blog. At first I thought it would be cool to have a blog with some goals that I'm trying to accomplish. And so far this blog has keep me on my toes and I've accomplished them.

I have decided to change a few goals to more realistic ones, instead of the far fetched ones I previous had on there. For example #53 (Lean to water Ski) was never going to happen. I've deathly afraid of water, hitting my body against water and at high speeds. Back in June Tim and I went boating with some friends and well Tim actually tried to water ski (he did a great job). I was to chicken to even attempt it. I did however trying tubing and loved it. I'm the kind of girl who likes to take things slow. My fear of the water has always been with me. It mainly started when I was a child and just gotten harder for me as an adult. My family was poor so swimming lessons was just not in the cards. My Dad on the other hand thought it was a great idea to just throw your child in the water and they will figure it out. Nope never figured it out. Yes I know how to float, but floating and swimming are two different things. I have gone white water rafting twice, and both times knock on wood have never falling out. People probably think I am crazy, but I would rather not have anyone touch me while I'm in the water. I just feel more comfortable that way.

My new goal for #53 is Visit Rachel and Mike in Tampa, FL. Which did happen two weeks ago. Rachel and I have known each other for 14 years, but not until 2 or 3 years ago became close again. I wish she and Mike lived closer, but right now that's not in the cards for them. Tim and I decided to make it a long weekend and head to FL. Tim had never been to Florida so it was a new experience for him. We landed early in Tampa around 9:00 a.m. and Rachel and Treith picked us up at the airport. Rachel showed us around town. We stopped at MacDill Air force base to check out where Mike works at, their new apartment (which just moved into this weekend) and the beach. The baby wasn't to happy about the big tractor that was plowing the sand, but we did dip our feet into the warm water. Next we proceed to head to this little park in Tampa for Treith to play in the water. The weather in Tampa was extremely warm. So it was nice again to get our feet wet. Rachel drove us around Tampa and surrounding areas. Friday night Mike had to work, so the four of us went to dinner at Apple bees in Tampa.

Saturday we got up and went to Tampa Art Museum which was pretty cool at least for the kids. They had a free day of arts and crafts. Treith and Tim made bookmarks, while I just looked on. We then headed upstairs to check out the art, but was really disappointed that upstairs only contained 10 pieces. After we left the ART Museum we headed toward the mall. We did get lost, but it was fun counting all the strip clubs along the way. Seriously we counted 9. Um yeah so if you ever need to visit Tampa, check it out! LOL! At the mall we decided to cool off and just walk around, we did come to find out that the ART Museum will be opening in a new location next fall in downtown Tampa. So the current location is just temporary. Nice to know that their was more art elsewhere.

After leaving the mall we headed home to pick up Mike and go out to dinner at Cheddars (kind of like Chili's). Food was pretty good, drinks were flowing as well. After dinner we headed to the grocery store and each of us picked up a 6 pack. We went back to the apartment and played Mad Gab. This game was hilarious, def a good game to play when your drunk. Ha ha! Rachel and I kicked butt!

Sunday was not such a great day. I was so hung over and Tim was coming down with a cold that we never got to the beach. I'm sorry Rachel for ruining the plans. I am sure you have already forgiven me!

Our flight didn't leave until 5:35 from Tampa and we arrived home in Baltimore around 7:45 p.m. All in All we had a great weekend with friends. Like most weekends it just goes by to fast.

Other changes that I've made to my blog is... Exercising the dogs. We are going to try to walk them three nights a week at least a mile. With the sun not rising until well after 7 in the morning it's just harder for me to motivate myself to get out of bed. Once the time changes I will be more motivated to get my butt in gear. I promise myself and the dogs I would walk them more.

I think that's it for now. Check back soon for more updates. I promise that in the next few weeks I will have completed a few more items.

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