Most of you already know that Tim and I are having a baby, but I'm finally getting around to updating my blog. Tim and I found out on March 14, 2009 that we were expecting. Obviously the day I found out, I thought for sure that my period must be late, so I decide to take a pregnancy test. Wow was I surprised. Obviously Baby S wasn't planned, but we are so thrilled, scared, nervous, excited about bringing a child into this world. At first I was shocked and parts of me are still shocked, but after our first OB appointment on Tuesday, it's finally setting in that, yes we are going to be parents.
Tuesday Tim and I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. What an amazing experience. Although at first our little one gave Mommy and Daddy a huge scare. The doctor couldn't find the heartbeat (I was slowly freaking out), but after reassurance from the doctor that this is normal (okay whatever you say doc!). After preforming my exam, the doctor decided let's try again and bam instantly she found the heartbeat. 150 bpm! Our next appointment is scheduled for June 9, where again we will get to hear the heartbeat.
Currently I'm 12 weeks along, so I still debating if I will create a separate family blog to update my family and friends with baby news.

As most of you know by viewing my blog... I have completed a fair amount of items on my list. Although some are never going to be accomplished in the next 9 or so months. I have decided to change a few (because well I'm allowed to do that!)
First change #85 Plan European Vacation will now be "Plan our next vacation".
Second change #86 Go on said trip to Europe will now be "Take that vacation"
Third change #101 Get pregnant in London can't happen because we got pregnant at home! LOL
Most of you know that Tim turned 30 on May 8, 2009. Months prior to his Birthday I had keep asking him what he wanted for his Birthday and all I got was just a party. So on May 2, 2009 we hosted a huge party at our house with tons of friends & family. We had tons of food and fun. I really wanted to do something special for him, so I contacted Holly our friend and ask her to make Tim a Birthday cake. I also asked Holly to make Brian a cake too (because he was also turning old. Kidding!). So here are the cakes that Holly made. Tim had a red velvet Redskin cake and Brian peanut chocolate beer mug cake. Both was delicious!

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